The Life of a Mushroom In the game, you guide Papa Docomodake through various levels to find his missing members that have gotten lost while preparing for a festival. Papa himself is controlled with either the d-pad or face buttons, but the combination of stylus and button controls never seemed uncomfortable or ill designed to us, especially due to the slow pace of the adventure. Excellent Very good love the game! Docomodake, the game can be a pleasure, especially when you use some of the coins you collect to unlock songs and artwork. The Life of a Mushroom In the game, you guide Papa Docomodake through various levels to find his missing members that have gotten lost while preparing for a festival. It would be really great if you could please submit a description for this title as that makes emuparadise. It would be really great if you could please submit a description for this title as that makes emuparadise.
Gameplay progression is basic but unique, and it works. We constantly complain about how the Japanese get quirky, original titles we Westerners can only dream about or bag on import , but at the tills, what do we buy? Although the tutorial is confusing, you basically move Docomodake through short levels full of climbing, jumping, flipping switches, and searching for treasure. Docomodake does a good job of easing the tougher aspects in gradually, and most of those are there to screw over the hastier players, forcing them to retry the level after getting irreversibly stuck. Docomodake is a weird game. She and her older sister love it. Chances are, that since you are here, you must have either played or are going to play this game.
Grandma drifts down a river, grandpa rolls down a hill… basic stuff. Touching with the stylus and dragging will allow you to actually pull minis off the main character's body, using them to fill in dotted line areas as platforms, double tapping them to turn them into projectiles, stacking them to make mushroom ladders, or filling them up in jugs to activate switches. Is this a game-breaking issue? Just playing through the game without collecting everything will take about ten hours, but you should be trying to get everything in order to get the full experience of the game. Perhaps the greatest success of is the fact that the game event exists. Since the minis are stylus controlled, they can go anywhere you can see on the screen, web site though collision is still taken into account, making for some guided maze areas where you walk below or climb above a maze that you're drawing with an airborne mini on your stylus tip.
While kids will only spend about 10 hours to finish Boing! What's charming about the game is its youth-oriented artwork, it's hopeful soundtrack albeit repetitive , and some enjoyable platform action. But this consumerism won't be apparent to kids in the U. To bring them back into Docomodake, tap the hand above his head twice. Touching with the stylus and dragging will allow you to actually pull minis off the main character's body, using them to fill in dotted line areas as platforms, double tapping them to turn them into projectiles, stacking them to make mushroom ladders, or filling them up in jugs to activate switches. Just be prepared for a learning curve. If you're in it to see the end of the game, it'll take an experienced gamer about four hours or so, though there's a small incentive in going back and collecting every coin in each level and earning top grade for each. The metastructure is very linear, with each completed level opening the next, leaving the player no choice of where to go.
These minis can be hurt however, and have a 10 second lifespan before they need to be attached to the papa again after being hit , so while they can be used for hitting switches or weighing down moving platforms, they're also vulnerable. Thankfully, we don't know him as a marketing tool here in the U. Sometimes, tapping Docomodake does not result in the release of minis. It's a bit annoying though, and it'll become obvious right away that you bought a quirky game that was made on the cheap, but is also surprisingly fun. You can stack minis on top of each other to make a big ladder for Papa Docomodake, use them to weigh down platforms and switches, and even roll them into Roly Polys that you can pick up and throw at enemies and objects. See what I mean about it being easier to play than describe? Each family member waits at the end of a side-scrolling, platform-climbing puzzle, in which Papa must figure his way past various obstacles by jumping, climbing, and digging.
The underlying concept of a transforming mushroom is fine, the puzzles are fun, and the platforming action is decent and challenging, but the overall presentation and control scheme are way below average, making Boing! We approve newly submitted descriptions every day and you will find that it will not take long for your description to appear in this space. Such a feature may seem ripped straight from the LocoRoco series, but in Boing! When dealing with the magical jugs, for example, you may have an issue where you fill the thing up, a switch is triggered, and then they all scatter out the top so you can collect them. There are no descriptions available for Boing! You move Papa Docomodake, the , using the control pad and the are dragged around the level with the stylus. In order to get to the end of the level, you must navigate past trapdoors, , platforms, and enemies. More than Meets the Eye At the start of the game, you can only split yourself into five parts.
Vegetables are Good for You The puzzle and platforming aspects of the game work well and will your mind. By piling them one on top of the other you can create an impromptu ladder. The moment they are approved we approve submissions twice a day. Support Emuparadise: Sponsor Message: Share with your Friends:. The whole point though is to set up another family member to go find, and after that it's a simple Mario vs. Sometimes you do have the think about a solution, but most of the time you'll instantely know what to do without even blinking your eyes. Although the tutorial is confusing, you basically move Docomodake through short levels full of climbing, jumping, flipping switches, and searching for treasure.
Release them to shrink and get into small spaces, and when you want to be big again, drag them back one by one or tap the hand which hovers over your character to summon them all at once. The game is aimed a bit younger than the standard Mario vs. Likewise, putting minis back into the father Docomodake can be a bit touchy, though it's really a minor annoyance. If you don't hit the hand icon above the papa Docomodake's head just right though, you might drop one back into the jug, and the only way to get him out is to — you guessed it — fill that jug right back up again and have the mini-shrooms erupt out of it. Docomodake lacks a proper in-game tutorial.